
CIP Rehabilitation currently services multiple counties throughout Pennsylvania and is continuing to expand to other communities. Our effort is to enhance the community itself by providing a plethora of different services and amenities. The goal is to not only improve resident’s independence and enjoyment but to help reduce the stress and workload of the day to day operations for the facility care staff.

Services we provide facilities:

  • Strengthening Programs

  • Senior Fit Club

  • Balance and fall screens

  • Facility Inservices - (i.e. Body mechanics, Postural training, Safe transfer techniques, caregiver sensitivity)

  • Durable Medical Equipment - (i.e. Recommendations, ordering, repair, installation, wheelchair, rollator walker sizing)

  • Caregiver Training

  • Host/Sponsor community events at facilities

 Interested in working with us?

The professionalism, expertise and knowledge of Danica is superior. I would recommend her highly along with Richard and Anthony. They are a great working team in the “Senior Fit” program.
— Henry, 83
My severe lower back pain was alleviated as I continued with my PT program. I continue to have intermittent lower back ache when standing for long periods of time. Pacing myself when performing daily chores and taking breaks eliminates the back ache. Danica is an excellent physical therapist.
— Louise, 82